Hey, it’s me again =)

Hi friends,

A big welcome to my blog. I’m Bia, and I’m glad to meet you. This blog is a mix of my wild and messy thoughts, with some travels involved. Honestly, you have no idea how glad I will be if you like even just a bit of what I write… In fact, most of the time, I have no clue what I am writing about. I just need to put it out, and then I feel… free. This is exactly the same feeling I have while I travel.

Normally, I live in my head, but when I am traveling, I live in the real world. I smell and taste different foods, I learn about different cultures, I dream a different life and I am finally myself.

I am glad every time I write a new post because it’s a bit of me there. The real me. The person who loves, laughs, jokes and tries. The person who is, even for a tiny bit, out of her head.

So, thanks again for being part of these tiny, but precious, lines.

The less I needed, the better I felt.
– Charles Bukowski